The City of Memphis Division of Housing and Community Development (HCD) was established in 1977 to address slum, blight, and deterioration in Memphis communities. HCD began its work in 1975 as a result of federal legislation (enacted in 1974) in the form of a Block Grant for cities nationwide.
HCD, in conjunction with the Mayor, decided to target specific neighborhoods and take a comprehensive approach to fund distribution in order to address in a holistic approach the problems in the inner-city neighborhoods. Since it began, HCD has targeted 24 low-income neighborhoods, and has worked on issues from housing to infrastructure to building communities. In 1991-92, HCD expanded its endeavors to include economic development and has been instrumental in the revitalization of downtown as well as helping people start small businesses.
Over the past decade, the City of Memphis has been aggressively making strides in community and economic development by providing safe, affordable, and decent housing and creating economic opportunities throughout the communities. HCD awards funding annually through a competitive application process that allows eligible non profit, for profit, faith based, and other organizations to complete various programs and projects. Through partnerships with Memphis Housing Authority, HCD has assisted in the redevelopment of public housing into mixed use housing communities. HCD’s Special Needs Department has been very instrumental in assisting non-profits in providing housing opportunities and serving Memphis’ special needs population. In addition, the Renaissance Business Center offers technical assistance, training, and borrowing opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
To enhance the livability of our neighborhoods.
The City of Memphis Division of Housing and Community Development, is committed to positively enhance the livability of our neighborhoods and serving our community with integrity, care, and high ethical standards. Our team will always strive to ensure safe, affordable and accessible neighborhoods
• Quality affordable housing
• Blight elimination activities
• Neighborhood revitalization and stabilization activities
• Capacity building of neighborhood associations and nonprofit developers
• Partnerships with private and public entities to optimize resources through innovative programs and projects
• Smart stewardship of granted and generated resources
Call us at (901) 636-7300 or click here to contact us for more information.

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