Verna Lambert, Administrator (901) 636-7356
Jocelyn Eddins, Real Estate Development Manager, (901) 636-7428
Chad Bowman, Weatherization Program Manager, (901) 636-7359
Daryl Lewis, Inspections Manager, (901) 636-7384
Patricia Shumake, Weatherization Program Analyst, (901) 636-7322
Shaquita Blaylock, Planning Analyst, (901) 636-7371
Bonita Iluobe, Office Support, (901) 636-7330
Gloria Dukes, Secretary, (901) 636-7315
This department seeks to originate, promote and expedite the development of community development through single and multifamily housing projects and mixed finance redevelopment housing projects that eliminate blight, promote economic development opportunities to make Memphis a premier city. Additionally the department provides gap financing assistance through a competitive process for the development and maintenance of affordable housing city wide. This includes administering HOME, CDBG and City funding.
The department provides technical assistance to potential and seasoned developers through the Property Development Center. The services include design review for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO), predevelopment analysis, and construction inspections services. Other services include coordinating resources with other State, City and County agencies such as Land Use Planning, MLGW, Health ED Board and THDA.
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